Paulo Blikstein is a professor at the Stanford University School of Education, director of the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab and co-founder of the Stanford Lemann Center. Paulo researches how new technologies can radically transform the learning of science, computing, engineering and mathematics, and how these innovations can be brought to teaching scale public systems. Blikstein created the world’s first FabLabs and Educational Makerspaces in 2010 and pioneered the field of data mining in education and learning analytics. He also created and runs the FabLearn project, which disseminates maker education in 15 countries. He graduated from the USP Polytechnic School, got his master’s degree from the MIT Media Lab and his doctorate’s degree in education from Northwestern University. Blikstein received the “Early Career Award” from the US Government’s National Science Foundation and “Jan Hawkins Early Career Award” from the American Association Educational Research.